With Spinnaker One it is possible to personalize your spinnaker, using different colours or with a logo!
Our standard versions of spinnakers are delivered in 3 colours: blue, white and red, but it is possible to differentiate these. We offer a cloth range of 9 colours, that will give the freedom to create different designs and obtain a unique sail!
This tool is very easy to use:
- Choose the type of sail you want to customize.
- Click on the colour you want to use then on the area of the sail where you want this colour.
- When you reach your color wish, click and "Save your Spi" to save the picture of the spi in your computer.
- When you want to order the customize colored spinnaker, select the standard spinnaker size, and select the option "Spi Custom" before ending your purshase. The cost of this option is +10% of the standard price.
- When your order is finish and paid, you will receive a mail of confirmation. You can then answer this mail and join the picture of our custom spinnaker.
This additional option of colours carries a supplement of 10% on the price of the sail.
We also offer a service of print customization: we can add on the sail a logo or an image, made with a specific paint for nylon cloth. This paint is very strong and resistant.
This service is very common in regattas, for professional sailors, but it is also a possible solution for you, private, association or sailing club.
You can send us the logo you would like to use with the desired dimensions and we will offer our expertise regarding the viability of your project.
It is better for this kind of project to use a plain spinnaker, to highlight the added logo.
We propose 2 kind of customization :
1- With a specific paint for nylon :
The finished sail is directly painted with a high resistance paint treated against UV, specially created for cloth such as nylon.
The cost of this kind of realisation is on average 30€ per sqm.
This solution is adapted for logos and pictures not too complex, painted on reasonable surface (several sqm).
2- REVOLUTION : Printing on panels before assembly :
Spinnaker One is pleased to present in pre-release a revolution in Spinnaker decoration!
We are able to propose to our customers a new technology of direct ink printing on spinnaker cloth allowing to print any photo or multicolour decoration.
This process has been tested for many months and is now ready for release. The special UV proof ink is injected on the spinnaker panels before assembly by computer head and hot dried to penetrate and fix on the spinnaker cloth.
The decoration possibilities are unlimited; we can print on a specific spot or on the whole surface of the spinnaker. The price will be calculated by panels concerned by the impression. surface ou sur la totalité du spinnaker.
The price will be calculated by panels concerned by the impression.
Ordering process :
You can already order your white custom spinnaker on our website www.spinnaker-com.com and send us by email your picture or decoration in high resolution by mail or transfer files site like yousendit.com or sendthisfile.com... We will analyse your decoration and calculate a final price.