Whether it is for a symmetric spinnaker or an asymmetric, a sleeve is a really great accessory for cruising. The hoisting of a spinnaker is easy but lowering it, is often difficult. With the sleeve, you can raise your spinnaker without thinking how you'll collaps it. You'll use your spinnaker with stronger wind too. The sleeve enables to separate the 2 steps to go up and down the sail, and the unfurling also. By choking the spinnaiker before bringing it back in the boat (stay with the wind behind the boat so that the main sail will help you to choke the spinnaker) all the potential problems are solved !
Specification ATN sleeve :
- Steel cable set up on a swivel at the top to stock the sleeve in high position
- Contrasted colour sleeve, dedicated for the control rope, which enables to isolate the end of the sail, and to control that the sleeve is not balled-up on itself before sending it. (see the yellow sleeve on the picture on the left.)
- Ovale opening to avoid the rolling up
- Mesh construction
- Control rope set up in non stop
- Low party with a composite mouth
- Interface spinnaker halyard / head of the sail in 8mm stainless steel
Setting up of the ATN sleeve :
- Simply insert the head of the sail bz the composite mouth
- Then slide the spinnaker in its sleeve and attach the head of the spinnaker down below the swivel, the spinnaker halyard outside on the high part of the swivel